
13th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 1st July 2019

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  • 13th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 1st July 2019

Following Christ...regardless of the cost!

13th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 1st July 2019

Gen. 18:16-33; Ps. 103(102):1-2,3-4,8-9,
10-11; Mt. 8:18-22 (Ps Wk I)

We live in a moral universe. There is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, and we are accountable. This is a comforting thought, especially when we are faced with the profound injustice and corruption of our world. It can appear sometimes that the wicked people of our world are given a free pass to do what they want. The judgment of Sodom in Genesis tells another story, for the inhabitants of that city were indeed wicked. The tradition tells us that they were violent, especially towards travellers and strangers, and that they abused the poor. The outcry against them was heard by God and they paid the price. Injustice does not last forever — we should not lose heart.

Many claimed that they wanted to follow Jesus, but they did not consider the cost of discipleship. Jesus told them that following him would mean a lack of stability and security. They would be exposed to hardships, and they would have to rely only on God. We should not feel discouraged when we face difficulties in following the Lord. It is part of the call, and it means we are on the right track!

Lord, help me to follow You without counting the cost.