
13th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 6th July 2019

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  • 13th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 6th July 2019

There is no other God like our God!

13th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 6th July 2019

Gen. 27:1-5,15-29; Ps. 135(134):1-2,3-4,5-6;
Mt. 9:14-17 (Ps Wk I)

Today, there are people who claim or insist that their religious beliefs or practices are the only  and right way. Often, these people see themselves as ‘pious’ and ‘righteous’ and consider those who do not meet their ‘religious’ standards as “irreligious”. In order to safeguard their faith or religious practices, they are willing to discriminate, belittle or harm others. They have no qualms about even killing  innocent human beings to this end.

In today’s Gospel, we read that the disciples of John were unhappy with Jesus’ disciples because the latter were seen as not giving importance to the practice of fasting. Like the Pharisees, John’s followers considered the disciples of Jesus as being “irreligious” for failing to meet their ‘religious’ standards. In actuality, they were unhappy with Jesus for not correcting his disciples. In response, Jesus reminds them that when the bridegroom is around, there is no need to mourn.

Today, Jesus gives us the same reminder. Jesus, the Emmanuel, is with us, the bridegroom is at our side. During his earthly life, no human force could prevent Jesus from accomplishing his Father’s plan of salvation. Now, seated at the Father’s right hand, nothing or no one can prevent him from fulfilling it. That is why, with the psalmist, we can confidently say:

“For I know the Lord is great, that our Lord is high above all gods.”