“Do not be afraid!”. God knows each of his children personally. He never fails to care and provide for us.
14th Week in Ordinary Time: Saturday 13th July 2019
Gen. 49:29-33; 50:15-26; Ps. 105(104):1-2,3-4,6-7;
Mt. 10:24-33 (Ps Wk II)
Even the evil plans of men can, by God’s design, turn out to be good in the end. This point is aptly illustrated in the first reading. Never did Joseph’s brothers ever realise that the evil plan they had hatched many years ago to rid themselves of Joseph would over time become the means of their protection and providence in moments of hardship.
Joseph, who was thrown into the well, and later sold as a slave by his brothers, would one day become, by God’s design, the second most powerful man in Egypt after the Pharaoh. After the death of their father, Joseph’s brothers were concerned that he would finally take his revenge over them. However, Joseph tells them, “do not be afraid,” promising to protect and provide for them and their families, during their stay in Egypt.
“Do not be afraid” are also the words that Jesus says to his disciples. He advises them not to be afraid when they face persecution or even the threat of death from the Jewish leaders. Jesus assures them that God will always care for, and provide for them because God, the Father, knows them intimately. In return, God asks them not to be afraid to declare themselves as his disciples before men.
“Do not be afraid!” These are the words for us today. God, who guided and protected Joseph, and who knows each of his children personally, never fails to care and provide for us. Regardless the circumstances of our lives, God will make everything beautiful in His time and in His way.
Lord, thank You for Your protection and providence.