
15th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 15th July 2019

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  • 15th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 15th July 2019

St Bonaventure, bishop and doctor

15th Week in Ordinary Time: Monday 15th July 2019

Ex. 1:8-14,22; Ps. 124(123):1-3,4-6,7-8;
Mt. 10:34-11:1 (Ps Wk III)

The new king in Egypt was bad news for the Israelites. The Egyptians were afraid of them because they were numerous and dwelling in the land. This is similar to the fear many have of immigrants or people who are different.

The king’s answer was to kill all newborn male children, but two brave women thwarted his plans. We must always be willing to struggle for what is right, each in our own unique way. And we should not fear other people because they are different or more numerous.

Jesus said that he came to bring not peace but the sword. He did not mean violence, but division and separation. His teachings and example would always provoke controversy, and many would resist. Jesus made it clear that we cannot put the expectations of society or family before our commitment to discipleship. Our Christian calling is not a part-time hobby but a way of life. If we cling to our own comfort and well-being, then we have missed the point.

Jesus went on to assure us that when we are truly imparting his teachings and his compassion to others, that we represent him. Let us be worthy ambassadors!

Lord, deepen my commitment to Your path.