Saint Peter Chrysologus, bishop and doctor
17th Week in Ordinary Time: Tuesday 30th July 2019
Ex. 33:7-11; 34:5-9,28;
Ps. 103(102):6-7,8-9,10-11,12-13;
Mt. 13:36-43 (Ps Wk I)
In today’s first reading from the Book of the Exodus we get a sense of the people’s awe and reverence for the Lord. The tent where people could consult with the Lord was placed at a certain distance apart. Moses was the one who spoke to the Lord on behalf of the people and when they saw the cloud coming from the tent they would rise and worship at the entrance of their own tents. Moses would speak to the Lord face to face. He knew God was a God of mercy, kindness and fidelity. Even if the people were a stiffed-necked people Moses invites God to be in their company. He is their mediator.
Jesus is our “Emmanuel” meaning “God with us”. He has come and pitched His tent among us. He is our great mediator. He has come to reveal the Father’s love and through Him we can call God ‘Abba’, Father. Moses gave the people the ten commandments to guide their lives and these are handed down to us today. But Jesus summarizes them as love of God and love of our neighbour. Our God is no longer a distant God but a God who knows each of us personally. Through baptism God has made His home in us. We are His chosen ones and He invites us to make our home in Him. Let us thank God for this great gift of God’s love in our lives and turn to Him often in prayer.
Lord, You have pitched Your tent among us, teach us to value Your presence in the neighbourhood we live!