9 Days Novena Reflection Prayers (by Jesuits-Shalom) in preparation for the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday 11th June 2021
How to pray the Novena:
This Novena is to help you prepare for the Feast of The Sacred Heart. You may pray the Novena privately or with others — members of your family, neighbours or friends — over the nine days.
Read the scripture meditation slowly, pausing when something strikes you. A prayer takes up the theme of the day, and you end with the Novena Prayer. You may include in it any intention you like to make, for yourself or for others
Prayers to be said on Friday 11th June 2021 - The Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus :
Consecration & Renewal of Families Dedicated to the Sacred Heart
Theme for each day of the Novena:
Day 1: A Day with Jesus of Nazareth
Day 2: Jesus the compassionate friend
Day 3: Jesus the friend of sinners
Day 4: Jesus our friend in need
Day 5: Jesus the one who invites
Day 6: Jesus the patient friend
Day 7: The God who lives within us
Day 8: Jesus invites us to stay with him in his passion
Day 9: Jesus invites us to our home in Heaven
Consecration Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Fri 11th June 2021
SH Novena 9th Day : Jesus invites us to our home in Heaven
SH Novena 8th Day : Jesus invites us to stay with him in his passion
SH Novena 7th Day : The God who lives within us
SH Novena 6th Day : Jesus the patient friend
SH Novena 5th Day : Jesus the one who invites
SH Novena 4th Day : Jesus our friend in need
SH Novena 3rd Day : Jesus the friend of sinners
SH Novena 2nd Day : Jesus the compassionate friend
SH Novena 1st Day : A Day with Jesus of Nazareth
Online Versicherungen berechnen People praying the Sacred Heart Novena and Prayers with you, since 2nd June 2021