
20th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 17th August 2020

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Lord, Give me the courage to let go of anything that keeps me from You

20th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 17th August 2020

Ez. 24:15-24; (R. Ps.) Deut. 32:18-19,20,
21; Mt. 19:16-22 (Ps Wk IV)

Today a man comes to Jesus asking about eternal life. He has been keeping the commandments since his youth. This is not easy to do. He has already been living a very good life.

When Jesus asks him to sell what he owns, give the money to the poor and follow him; however, the young man becomes sad. He cannot let go of his possessions and so walks away downcast.

What if he chose another way? What if he decided to tell Jesus about his struggle honestly? What if he confessed to Jesus that his possessions give him a sense of security and he is afraid to live without them? Would Jesus get angry and walk away?

Would Jesus help him to grow in freedom? Would Jesus still love him?

What keeps me from following Jesus more fully? Is it a desire for money, some unhealthy habit, a particular relationship or perhaps something else? What if today I told Jesus about my struggle, about why I am afraid to let go or change? What will Jesus say to me?

Lord, I want to receive eternal life. Help me to feel Your love for me, Your deep care for me. Give me the courage to let go of anything that keeps me from You.

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