
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows : Tuesday 15th September 2020

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  • Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows : Tuesday 15th September 2020

Lord grant us the grace to be your disciple by word and action. May we follow the example of Mother Mary in her total obedience to God’s will.

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows : Tuesday 15th September 2020

Heb. 5:7-9; Ps. 30:2-4,5-6,15-16, 20;
Jn. 19:25-27 or Lk. 2:33-35 (Ps Wk IV)

In the Gospel reading, Jesus’ words from the Cross in Jn 19:26 – 27 established a new relationship between the Beloved Disciples and the Mother of Jesus. They are now mother and son. In changing their relationship, Jesus had also changed the relationship of the disciple and Himself. This scene portrays the Divine filiation of all disciples. Disciples are drawn into the Father’s household. This is confirmed in his appearance to Mary Magdalene: “Go to my brothers and sisters” (Jn 20:17). This refers to the New Temple of His Father’s household.

This new relationship is a reflection of Jesus’ relationship with Father God. As in the first reading to the Hebrews, we see the total obedience of Jesus to His Father’s will. This shows the intimate relationship of Jesus with Father God.

As we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, we remember that Simeon said to Mary at the Presentation event: “…your own soul a sword shall pierce.”

“Lord grant us the grace to be your disciple by word and action May we follow the example of Mother Mary in her total obedience to God’s will.”

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