
24th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 17th September 2020

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Lord, do not let my heart to become lukewarm. Guide me to express my love for You and others through my actions today

24th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 17th September 2020

1 Cor. 15:1-11; Ps. 117:1-2,16,17,28;
Lk. 7:36-50 (Ps Wk IV)

The scene in today’s Gospel may have been shocking for the culture of the time. For a woman to let down her hair in public and then start kissing someone who is not a member of her family would be considered quite provocative.

Simon the Pharisee is upset by this. Jesus, however, does not get anxious. Jesus invites Simon to look deeper.

Jesus tells a story about the two people in debt (one 500 denarii and the other 50). In so doing, Jesus acknowledges that the woman has indeed sinned. Through this same story, however, Jesus asks Simon to see that he too is a sinner.

Jesus further invites Simon to discover that there is something more than sin here. The woman’s actions express that she is truly sorry and has a great love for Jesus. Simon the host, however, has not washed Jesus’ feet or anointed his head with oil. So, the woman has loved Jesus even more than Simon.

It is not good to sin. Yet, it is also not good to live with a cold heart that loves little. Jesus invites us to avoid sin but also to love others and love God generously.

Lord, do not let my heart to become lukewarm. Guide me to express my love for You and others through my actions today.

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