What is your “rule of life” ? What is your lifestyle?
31st Week in Ordinary Time : Friday 6th November 2020
Phil. 3:17--4:1; Ps. 121:1-2,3-5;
Lk. 16:1-8 (Ps Wk III)
What do we regularly experience when we go on social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube)? Many of these captured moments have recurring themes of people presenting what they ate, where they went, what they did, etc., — relating to their food, their fun and at times, their frivolous activities.
Furthermore, the world is incrementally normalising what once we regarded as immoral, and being deluded into new ways of thinking and behaving that dehumanises us, e.g. homosexual relationships, same-sex marriage, abortion, euthanasia.
As we read St Paul’s epistle to the Philippians, let us ask ourselves a few questions — Are we “behaving as the enemies of the cross of Christ”? Do we “make foods” into our “god”? Are we “proudest of something” we “ought to think shameful”?
Do the “things” we “think important are earthly things”? (v 19).
What is our “rule of life” (v 17)? How do we live? What is our lifestyle? When others are with us, would they like to take us as their models (v 17)? If we think we are living sinfully, what have we been saying and doing to justify this lifestyle? Do our addictions reveal our deep loneliness, isolation, and escapism?
Lord, today, help me ponder and reflect truthfully how I am living my life to praise, reverence and serve You.
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