Monday of Easter Week
Monday of Easter Week, 22nd April 2019
Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps. 16(15):1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11; Mt. 28:8-15
In the first reading, we noticed that the apostles who were baptised by the Holy Spirit, were able to speak in other languages to various groups. Peter as the spokesman testified the account of Jesus’ life. The people were told that the miracles and signs done by Jesus were indications that the Messiah had come (v.22). How do we witness to Christ’s love in our own realities?
The Gospel account was only noted in Matthew’s Gospel. This confirms that there will often be the existence of opposition to whatever good we do in life. Yet our Resurrected Lord is beyond all human circumstances. When confronted by difficulties and trials in life, we need to be reminded of this.
In the Resurrection account, Jesus told the women not to be afraid. They were the first evangelizers! Today we are constantly reminded of the role of women in the history of the Church, even till today. Women play an important role in sharing the Good News in homes, classrooms and their work place. They were the ones who assisted Jesus in his life on earth. We need to thank God for the gift of women in our lives and the Church, both domestic and globally.
As Easter people, let us once more confirm our faith in the Resurrected Lord and do not allow our weaknesses and limitations to prevent us from deepening our relationship with the Lord.
“Lord, help us always to rely on you under all circumstances. Give us the faith to recognize Your presence in all situations.”