St Stephen of Hungary
20th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Monday 16th August 2021
Jdg. 2:11-19; Ps. 105:34-35,36-37,39-40,43,44;
Mt. 19:16-22 (Ps Wk IV)
In a world where most ordinary citizens are highly suspicious of or even disgusted by many of the politicians and other rulers, men, and women, of our countries, because of their lifestyles and their often-nefarious shenanigans, it is consoling to realise that in Christian Europe’s checkered history there have actually been kings, queens and other rulers who have been just, honest and credible enough to be declared saints, models of what Christian rulers can and should be.
Saint Stephen of Hungary, whose memorial may be celebrated today, was one such good ruler.
Father in Heaven in Your eternal Providence, give us rulers who are good, just, and responsible.

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