Lord, grant me patience, trust, and total faith in you
23rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Sunday 5th September 2021
Is. 35:4-7a; Ps. 145:6-7,8-10;
James 2:1-5; Mk. 7:31-37 (Ps Wk III)
So much of our lives are governed by fear, especially in recent times by so many challenges. But Isaiah challenges us not to be afraid, for God is about life and wholeness. Indeed, God assures us that his response to suffering, disaster, and death is always new. Therefore, the blind will regain their sight, the deaf their hearing, and the lame will walk again. The arid deserts will run with water and be fertile. Therefore, Jesus was able to heal and restore life – the divinity was within him.
God makes no distinctions between people based on appearance, status, or wealth, and neither should we. In God’s house, all are equal, for God does not play favourites.
An encounter with Jesus by those having faith always resulted in healing. When the deaf man was brought to Jesus, he merely touched his ears and commanded ‘be opened!’ And it happened.
The crowd was amazed and marvelled at the fact that Jesus did everything well. We should remember this – Jesus intends wholeness and happiness for us, for that is what God does. Pain and suffering are not the will and the desire of God. On our part, we need patience, trust, and faith. All will be well.
Lord, grant me healing and wholeness.
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