Ss John de Brebeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests
29th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Tuesday 19th October 2021
Rom. 5:12,15b,17-19,20b-21; Ps. 39:7-9, 10,17;
Lk. 12:35-38 (Ps Wk I)
The text of today’s first reading is often cited as the basis for the doctrine on ‘Original sin’ — sin/death came through one person. That sin was turned into a blessing by the coming of Our Lord Jesus. His death showed us how much God loves us and all of creation. Similarly, the martyrdom of Isaac Jogues, John de Brebeuf, their companions and two lay martyrs – Rene Goupil and John de Lalande – laid the foundation for our faith to be spread among the Hurons in Quebec.
Bearing witness to the Good News calls for sacrifices, big and small. The gospel encourages us to be ever ready, which means we sacrifice our leisure and say no to laziness. Going out of the way to help someone in need calls for sacrificing our time. On some other occasions, it may mean monetary help. But all of this calls for dying to self-love.
And so we pray, Lord! Give me the strength to make difficult choices, the wisdom to say no to excessive engagement on social media, the concern to visit the elderly and the needy in person. Give me the strength to readily say — “Here I am, Lord; I come to do Your will”.
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