
29th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 22nd October 2021

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  • 29th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 22nd October 2021

St John Paul II, Pope

29th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 22nd October 2021

Rom. 7:18-26a; Ps. 118:66,68,76,77,93,94;
Lk. 12:54-59 (Ps Wk I)

Many of us at one time or another have felt like Paul did. We are divided and conflicted in ourselves. We want to avoid negative things, and yet we do them. We want to do good things, and we fall short. We are like a team of runaway horses! We need to be in harmony with all parts of ourselves: body, mind, heart, and soul – and with God. Then and only then can we claim to be a whole person and in possession of ourselves. By ourselves, we cannot achieve this, but Paul gives us a hopeful answer.

Jesus Christ can bind us together and make us whole if only we surrender our lives to him. We are not alone.

Walking in God’s ways and living in the Spirit gives us the gift of awareness and discernment. To the spiritually aware person, the world around them and the events reported daily read like a roadmap of God’s kingdom. To others, it is senseless and meaningless and maybe a source of discouragement or despair. Reading the world around us will indicate where God is at work, where God’s love and ours are most needed, and how God wants us to change our hearts and minds. We will be able to see God at work in the lives of those around us. Jesus added a challenge: work things out for yourselves. Decide what is right and be reconciled with others. Take care of your business here on earth, and the sooner, the better. Take part in the healing and reconciliation of the world by your actions and decisions today.

Lord, grant me the gift of discernment.

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