Lord, help me to be Your living witnesses wherever I am
32nd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Sunday 7th November 2021
1 Kgs. 17:10-16; Ps. 145:6-7,8-10;
Heb. 9:24-28; Mk. 12:38-44 (or 41-44)
(Ps. Wk. IV)
We are challenged by what Jesus said in today’s Gospel reading: “The wealthy gave out of their abundance. The widow put in everything she had.”
What does this say to us as disciples of Jesus? This is a call to have total trust in God by giving up all the other forms of security we have. This passage also reminds us of the story of the ‘Rich Young Man’ who could not detach himself from his wealth – his security.
Similarly, as in the first reading, the widow who had hardly much left for her and her son responded to the request of Elijah. She was well rewarded by God through Elijah.
These two readings challenge us to see how our discipleship is to be lived out today.
Perhaps we can see the ‘pharisees’ in us, in our unwillingness to respond to situations that call us to live out our Christian responsibilities.
During this Covid-19 pandemic, we witnessed many from the general public who chose to share what they have with the needy ones around them. Such acts of kindness are reflections of God’s presence in this trying time. For these kind and generous friends to the poor and needy, we praise and thank God as in Ps.145: 10:
“All thy works shall give thanks to thee, O Lord, and all thy saints shall bless thee!”
“Lord, help us to be Your living witnesses wherever we are.”
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