Dedication of the Basilicas of
St Peter and St Paul
33rd Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 19th November 2021
1 Mac. 4:36-37,52-59;
(R. Ps.) 1 Chr. 29:10,11-12;
Lk. 19:45-48 (Ps. Wk. I)
These days, the readings taken from the book of Maccabees and often give us a violent way of defending the faith and the people. The period during which the Maccabees rose to prominence was when the voice of God through the prophets was totally denied to the Jews. In other words, it was a wretched period. These last books of the Old Testament show what would happen when there is a total disconnect between God and the believers.
In a few days, we will celebrate the feast of Christ the King – the Prince of Peace. That would lead us into Advent, symbolising the long wait. This wait will culminate with the birth of Our Lord, in all humility, laid in a manger. When the people of God deviate from the fundamental mandate given to them, God intervenes in history. The birth of Our Lord was one such moment.
The other moment was when Jesus became angry, as in today’s Gospel, when knowing that the least and the lost are denied their place of worship.
Oh Jesus, Prince of Peace, be with us as we bear witness to You and show Your compassion to those in need. Amen
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