
5th Week in Ordainary Time (C) : Tuesday 8th February 2022

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  • 5th Week in Ordainary Time (C) : Tuesday 8th February 2022

St Jerome Emiliani; St Josephine Bakhita, virgin

5th Week in Ordainary Time (C) : Tuesday 8th February 2022

1 Kgs. 8:1-7,9-13; Ps. 131:6-7,8-10;
Mk. 6:53-56 (Ps Wk I)

In the first reading, King Solomon offered sacrifices before the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark represented the presence of God in His new home. The joy and enthusiasm of the people were intense. No less was the eagerness of the people in the Gospel come into contact with Jesus from whom went forth the healing power. As Jesus left the boat, the people recognised Him and began to bring their sick to Him. They were frantic in their attempts to come close to Jesus.

In contrast to these two scenes is our daily Mass. We do not have the Ark, which represents God’s presence, but we do have the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He comes and dwells within us each time we partake of the Eucharist.

Therefore our hearts should be eager to be united with Jesus and fill with joy whenever we attend Mass. The Mass is Jesus in the act of His sacrifice, His death and resurrection, the greatest sign of love for us. It is indeed a privilege greater than that afforded Solomon or even the people mentioned in today’s Gospel. We should appreciate and be thankful for the great gift given to us.

O Lord, give us the grace to appreciate the Mass and the eagerness to receive You with Joy. Amen.

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