Fear is often a lack of faith. Do not worry – God is in control
8th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 1st March 2022
1 Pt. 1:10-16; Ps. 97:1,2-4;
Mk. 10:28-31 (Ps Wk IV)
Sometimes the world – and even our lives – seem chaotic and without direction. The first generation of Christians felt that way when Jesus was crucified. But Peter insisted that all was foretold in the prophecies. We need not worry – God is in control, and things unfold according to God’s plan.
In the Gospel, the rich young man had just departed, and Jesus noted how difficult it was for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.
Peter was worried – they had left everything to follow Jesus. Were they going to be left with nothing? Peter felt cheated. Jesus reassured them that those who followed the Lord would never be losers. They would receive far more than they had given up – perhaps not immediately, but in the end. Peter’s reaction was fear, which is often a lack of faith. The Lord will not shortchange or cheat us. We cannot even imagine the blessings that are in store for us.
Lord, help me to overcome fear with faith.

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