We are brothers and sisters of Jesus and of one another
Tueday within Easter Octave : 19th April 2022
Acts. 2:36-41; Ps. 32:4-5,18-20,22;
Jn. 20:11-18
Those listening to Peter’s speech were horrified. They had unwittingly taken part in the crucifixion of Jesus through ignorance. What were they to do? Peter had the solution: repent, be baptised, and flee from the current corrupt generation. We all need a second chance – sometimes, a third, fourth, and fifth chance, too – when we make mistakes. God always provides an opening and an opportunity to make a fresh beginning. We should never lose hope.
No one completely understood the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus, not even Mary Magdalene. As she wept by the tomb, an unrecognised Jesus asked her twice: Why are you weeping? Didn’t she understand what had taken place? After she recognised Him, Jesus gave her an important mission: to be the Apostle to the apostles. She was to give them a momentous message: Jesus was ascending to his God and Father, who is also our God and Father.
That makes us brothers and sisters of Jesus and of one another. If we choose to accept it and make a fresh beginning, we can be one with Jesus, with one another, and with God. That is the deeper meaning of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord.
Lord, may I be of one mind and heart with You, and with the Father.

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