
7th Week of Easter : Friday 3rd June 2022

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Ss Charles Lwanga & Comps. martyrs

7th Week of Easter : Friday 3rd June 2022

Acts 25:13b-21; Ps. 102:1-2,11-12,
19-20ab; Jn. 21:15-19

On the shores of the Sea of Tiberias, after the morning breakfast, the Risen Lord asked Peter three times: “Do you love me?”

In the first two questions, Jesus uses the Greek word ‘agape’, which designates the divine, giving love, entirely unselfish, for the good of the loved one.

But Peter’s response to Jesus was with the Greek word ‘phileo’ which means fraternal love.

However dreadfully ashamed Peter was of his three denials of Jesus, he indicated that he could only love Him with mutual friendly love. Yet, Jesus accepts and affirms Peter’s phileo love for Him, restores Peter’s confidence and calls him on a new journey – “Follow me”.

Both Peter and Paul have learnt what agape love is from their Master and Lord, who laid down His life for us on the Cross. They have, in turn, witnessed this unconditional love of God by laying down their lives for the sake of Christ in their mission to ‘feed my lamb, tend my sheep’.

“Do you love me?” This same question challenges us to examine our relationship with Christ. Knowing how vulnerable and self-centred we are, we want to express our desire to love Him more deeply, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love You.” Teach us to love the way you love, that we may follow you and serve your people joyfully without counting the cost.

Come, Holy Spirit, kindle in us the fire of Your love.

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