Our Lady Mother of the Church
10th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 6th June 2022
Gen. 3:9-15,20 or Acts 1:12-14;
Ps. 87:1-2,3 et 5, 6-7;
Jn. 19:25-34 (Ps Wk II)
Today, we celebrate the memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. The memorial was included in the Roman calendar by Pope Francis in 2018, as a day after Pentecost Sunday, when we celebrate the birthday of the Church. This decision is based on the Church’s reflection on Mary’s role in the salvation plan of God, that is, “the divine motherhood of Mary and her association with the work of the Redeemer”.
Mary’s role as “Mother of the Church” can be traced to the early Church. Several Fathers of the Church called Mary the “New Eve” in reference to her unique and necessary participation in the salvific action of God, in particular her faith displayed in response to the annunciation of the Angel Gabriel. Her response facilitated the incarnation of Christ and the redemption of humanity. Mary’s obedience is contrasted with the action of Eve, whose disobedience brought sin into the world. Eve’s lack of faith is replaced by Mary’s act of faith.
Mary’s act of faith is also seen in her action at the last moments of her Son’s life. As Jesus is dying on the Cross with blood and water flowing from his pierced side, signs of the Eucharist and Baptism, Mary stands at the foot of the Cross with the apostle, John. She is the feminine symbol of the Mother Church, caring for all who would become her children and, therefore, brothers and sisters of Jesus.
“Mary is not only the mother of the person of Christ but also the mother of the faithful,” (Saint John Paul II).
Dear Mother, pray for us.
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