Lord, help me to be steadfast in my faith
17th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 27th July 2022
Jer. 15:10,16-21; Ps. 58:2-3,4-5a,10-11,17,18;
Mt. 13:44-46 (Ps Wk I)
Jeremiah was lamenting that others were cursing him, despite his innocence. He reflected on God’s word and found delight in it, yet he still suffered from a lack of joy and accused God of being deceitful. Yet the Lord was willing to take Jeremiah back and allow him to be His prophet. God challenged him to remain steadfast. Some people would fight against him, but they would not be successful, for the Lord would redeem him. That promise applies to us when we follow the will of the Lord.
These two parables emphasise the incredible value of the kingdom of heaven. Imagine a treasure so great that a person sold all he had in order to secure that treasure for himself. Or imagine a pearl of such great value that a person would sell everything else to purchase that pearl. Jesus was comparing the value of the kingdom of heaven in a person’s life with such great treasure. We should respond to Jesus with total commitment and enthusiasm, for there is no greater treasure than a deep relationship with Jesus.
Lord, help me to be steadfast in my faith.
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