Lord, grant me Your wisdom
22nd Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 1st September 2022
1 Cor. 3:18-23; Ps. 23:1-2,3-4ab,5-6;
Lk. 5:1-11 (Ps Wk II)
There are two kinds of wisdom. Human wisdom is a collection of facts, information, misinformation, and opinion. It has created the dark and scary world in which we live, for it is distorted by fear, greed, lust for power, and materialistic thinking.
God’s wisdom is very different. Its basic principle is that we are all one and are interconnected. We are responsible for the well-being of others and for the common good. This is expressed in humility, love, mercy, generosity, and non-violence. Paul advises his community to stop being deceived by smooth talkers and charismatic ‘leaders’ and to seek the wisdom that is from above. In our time, we are bombarded by negative and positive words, and it would be helpful if we would allow God to have a say too!
Jesus told His intended disciples to put down their nets into deeper water. They did, and they made a huge catch of fish. For us, the deep water can mean the deeper parts of the human heart and soul as we go within ourselves and seek the wisdom, guidance, and will of God. Then we, too, can be fishers of people, catching hearts and souls for God. We need not feel inadequate like Peter, for God will teach us.
Lord, grant me Your wisdom.

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