St Catherine of Alexandria, virgin & martyr
34th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Friday 25th November 2022
Rev. 20:1-4, 11—21:2; Ps. 83:3,4,5-6a, and 8a;
Lk. 21:29-33 (Ps. Wk. II)
We can learn from the fig tree: when it’s leaves sprout, we know that summer is near. So too, we are invited to notice: the Kingdom of God is near. One day this world will end, and we will be judged by God. Jesus encourages us not to be afraid but to be ready.
The book of Revelation tells us more—there is an abyss, and hell is real. However, people who refuse to bow down to evil and persevere in worshipping God amidst the suffering of life will be rewarded and reign with Christ.
So how do we arrive at the New Jerusalem, where God will console us and wipe away every tear from our eyes?
Consider two questions: Firstly, is there some unhealthy behaviour drawing me away from God? If so, cooperate with the grace of God to change this now, do not delay.
Secondly, what helps me to live out my calling to love others in this life (e.g. a particular way of praying or sharing God’s love)?
I ask for the Lord’s help to do more of this. The way I live my life now affects my future.
Lord, amidst the challenges of this life, give me the strength to be faithful to You. I want to live with You forever.
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