
1st Week of Advent (A) : Tuesday 29th November 2022

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Lord, prepare my mind and heart to receive Your word

1st Week of Advent (A) : Tuesday 29th November 2022

Is. 11:1-10; Ps. 71:1-2,7-8,12-13,17;
Lk. 10:21-24 (Ps. Wk. I)

People have often hoped for a superhero type of individual to come and set everything straight. This hero would be wise, incorruptible, all-powerful, and compassionate. He would bring in a time of peace, plenty, justice, and happiness. The idea was planted in our tradition by the prophet Isaiah and was later believed to have been fulfilled in Jesus.

We are still waiting for all these things to happen, but Jesus set things in motion. Isaiah’s vision is the goal, spurring us on. We are all invited to assist in this divine process.

Jesus praised God because so many wonderful things had been hidden from the wise and clever but revealed to children – His followers. In other words, those who do not think they know everything are open to what is new. Many in the past longed to see the day in which Jesus walked the earth but did not. They had to wait in faith, content with the contribution they had made. Everything has been given to Jesus, and He shares it with whomever He pleases, even us, if we are ready to embrace it.

Lord, prepare my mind and heart to receive Your word.

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