Lord, help me build a firm foundation with Your words
1st Week of Advent (A) : Thursday 1st December 2022
Is 26:1-6; Ps. 1
Mt 7:21, 24-27 (Ps. Wk. I)
God has been likened to a mighty fortress. Isaiah applies the same symbol to Jerusalem itself. It also applies to each one of us. The fortress is made strong by faith, steadfastness, and peace – and these can only come from God.
If within ourselves we are in harmony with God, nothing outside can shake or destroy us. When we walk with the Lord, we, too, are a mighty fortress.
Matthew tells us how we grow strong. Pious talk means nothing unless it is backed up by action. Jesus insists that not all those who cry ‘Lord, Lord’ will be saved, but only those who have applied His teachings to their lives. The one who hears the word of the Lord and applies it will be like a house built on rock – nothing will move or destroy it. Those who just talk about it will be like the person who built his house on sand – the storms will sweep it away because it has no foundation. We apply the teachings daily, meeting all challenges with patience, compassion, and generosity.
Lord, help me build a firm foundation with Your words.
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