Lord, grant me the grace to listen to your voice
BAPTISM OF THE LORD : Monday 9th January 2023
Is. 42:1-4,6-7; or Acts 10:34-38;
Ps. 28:1a-2,3ac-4,3b and 9b-10;
Mt. 3:13-17 (Psalter proper)
Existential questions have plagued human minds for centuries. Who are we? Where do we come from? What is the purpose of our existence? Beyond the basic identity of male and female, teens are offered numerous categories in which they can redefine themselves based on gender ideology. Where can a sure and stable human identity be found, and to who can we look for answers? The baptism of Jesus is a good place to start.
In allowing John to baptise Him, Jesus reveals the intimacy of His relationship with His Father, sealed by the Holy Spirit: “This is my Son, the Beloved…”. These words are appropriated to us through grace in our baptism. This objectively actual life-giving event affirms that we are created in the image and likeness of God. He has bestowed on us an unerasable supernatural identity. By calling Him Father, the ‘who’ of our being is secured in our filial relationship as His adopted children. Our worth is no longer determined by our achievements and accomplishments. He is our identity marker! What blessed assurance!
Identity and mission are inextricably linked. Our faith is personal but never private. Just as Jesus’ baptism prepared Him for His public ministry, so too are we impelled to participate in the Church’s mission of sharing the good news of Jesus’ gift of salvation to others and be leaven to the world. This is our pledge to return love for His love.
Grant me the grace to listen to “…the voice of the Lord, full of power…”, for He spoke and it came to be.
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