Lord Jesus, I want to see You more clearly. Help me to see You!
6th Week in Ordinary Time (Year A) : Wednesday 15th February 2023
Gen. 8:6-13,20-22; Ps. 115:12-15,18-19;
Mk. 8:22-26 (Ps. Wk. II)
When someone sick encounters Jesus, the person is usually healed immediately. Yet, today only after Jesus lays hands on the blind man twice does he see clearly. Why? Mark is conveying a message—it takes time to see Jesus clearly.
At the beginning of Mark Chapter 8, Jesus multiplies loaves and fish. The Pharisees then ask Jesus for a sign (8:11); they are blind to the miraculous sign Jesus has just provided. Even the disciples do not see that Jesus is God; Jesus asks, “Do you still not see or understand?” (8:17)
Today’s story of the blind man demonstrates that seeing clearly is a process. Eventually, however, the blind man sees.
Later in this chapter, Peter bravely proclaims that Jesus is “the Messiah” (8:29). After spending time with Jesus, Peter, for the first time, now ‘sees’ clearly who Jesus is.
Seeing the truth takes time. In the first reading, Noah cannot see dry land. So, he releases a dove and waits patiently. When the dove returns with an olive branch, Noah sees that the flood has ended.
Knowing Jesus deeply is a process. It requires patience. Jesus invites us to spend time with Him, seek the truth and trust…He will help us to see.
Jesus, I want to see You more clearly. Help me to see You.
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