
10th Week in Ordinary Time – Our Lady, Mother of the Church: Monday 10th June 2019

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10th Week in Ordinary Time

10th Week in Ordinary Time – Our Lady, Mother of the Church: Monday 10th June 2019

Gen. 3:9-15,20 or Acts 1:12-14;
Ps. 87(86):1-2,3,5,6-7; Jn. 19:25-34 (Ps Wk II)

Our Lady has been given many titles, stressing her role in union with her Son Jesus in God’s work of salvation. Many of the titles include the names where it is believed Our Lady appeared on earth. Other titles are taken from Scripture, adding levels of understanding to the mystery of the Mother of God. One title which should have been widely in use from the time of Jesus’ death on the Cross, is “Mother of the Church”, which essentially derives from Jesus’ words to his Mother from the cross:  “Woman, behold your Son” [Jn 19:26-27].

Standing at the foot of the cross Mary and John are symbolic of the Church, thus in giving Mary into the care of the Beloved Disciple, Jesus is implicitly giving the Church into Mary’s care as Mother of the Church. St Ambrose of Milan used the title for Mary already in the 4th century, but it only came into universal use in the Church when Pope Paul VI officially used it during Vatican Council II.

Mary, Mother of the Church, take care of us and guide us to a greater holiness of life that we may truly become beloved disciples of Jesus, Your Son.