5th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 12th May 2023

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  • 5th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 12th May 2023

Ss. Nereus & Achilleus, martyrs
St Pancras, martyr

5th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 12th May 2023

Acts 15:22-31; Ps. 56:8-9,10-12;
Jn. 15:12-17 (Ps. Wk. I)

The hard-liners had insisted that Gentile converts had to undergo circumcision and obey dietary laws. They had to become Jews before becoming Christians. But the Council of Jerusalem decreed otherwise: Do not burden people beyond the essentials. That was the decision of the Council of Jerusalem, and it should be ours. Every effort must be made to help people in their journey to God, and that does not mean making them go through a maze or jump through hoops. The biggest essential is faith and commitment.

In John’s Gospel, Jesus gave one commandment to His followers: love one another, and abide or dwell in His love. Love is the only way that we know or reach God, for God is love. But there is an added bonus: those who love one another and dwell in Christ’s love will be His friends – close friends. We are invited to take part in the life of the Trinity. Jesus and the Father will dwell in us and we in them. Why do many Christians not take this invitation seriously?

Lord, I desire friendship with You.