
20th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 20th August 2023

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Lord, help me to recognise Your Presence in all people

20th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 20th August 2023

Is. 56:1, 6-7; Ps. 66:2-3,5-6,8;
Rom. 11:13-15,29-32;
Mt. 15:21-28 (P.s Wk. IV)

God envisioned a time when the temple would be a house of prayer for all peoples. Even foreigners who did what was right and loved God would be welcome on the holy mountain.

This inclusiveness and embrace of all peoples are God’s fervent desire. Human beings, however, build walls between people. They are frightened by those who are different in any way and want a very exclusive relationship with God.

There is only one humanity, and we are all equal in God’s sight. This is seen in Paul’s recognition that God’s gifts are forever – they are irrevocable. The Jewish people always remain in God’s favour.

The Canaanite woman was not an Israelite, and at first, Jesus seemed to rebuff her pleas for her daughter’s healing. But she persisted and won by her courage and clever answer to Jesus’ initial refusal – Jesus granted her request. Her faith made it possible, and a large part of her faith was courage and persistence, even in the face of adversity and obstacles. Jesus found great faith even outside of Israel. Examples of great faith are found in every religion and consist of trust in God’s mercy, compassion, and power. God’s grace and mercy are not limited by any boundaries or barriers, most of which humans create.

Lord, help me to recognise the presence of God in all people.

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