Forgiveness is freedom and is a sign of spiritual maturity and strength
24th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 17th September 2023
Sir. 27:30—28:9; Ps. 102:1-4,9-12;
Rom. 14:7-9; Mt. 18:21-35 (Ps. Wk. IV)
Anger and unforgiveness can poison the heart, soul, and whole societies. Sooner or later, it can result in hatred and violence – just look at the world around us.
The Bible has a simple solution – be done with it and put away anger as soon as possible. Sirach clarifies that we must be willing to forgive if we want to be forgiven. This is also expressed in Matthew. Peter was told by the Lord that he must forgive not seven times but seventy times seven. Jesus continued with the parable of the unforgiving debtor. Having been forgiven an enormous debt owed to his master, the debtor throttled a fellow servant who owed him just a fraction of what the debtor had owed. He had him thrown into prison with his family until he could pay. The master was furious. He threw the unforgiving servant into prison with his family.
Jesus warns us that if we are unwilling to forgive others, we should not ask for forgiveness ourselves. We forgive so that we may be for forgiven. Forgiveness is not optional – it’s at the core of our faith. We cannot hoard our anger and resentment, for we belong wholly to the Lord. Forgiveness is freedom and is a sign of spiritual maturity and strength.
Lord, help me to forgive others always.
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