God can do great things with us, too. Lord, help me to trust more
3rd Week of Advent (B) : Wednesday 20th December 2023
Is. 7:10-14; Ps. 23:1-2,3-4ab,5-6;
Lk. 1:26-38 (Ps. Wk. III)
King Ahaz was frightened and in despair because of the enemy besieging Jerusalem. The prophet encouraged him and invited him to ask for any sign from God. Ahaz was so fearful he could not do that, so Isaiah gave him one anyway: A young woman will conceive and bear a son. This was initially meant for Ahaz and his time, but God’s prophecies echo across the centuries, and the first Christians used it to illuminate Jesus. But the prophecy does not stop there – it applies to our life. God will grant us new life and hope. We are not to give in to fear and despair. The Saviour is alive and at work always and everywhere, even at this very moment.
We often want to know what will happen in the future – we don’t like the unknown. Before we begin something or undertake a risk, we want to know all the details and risks involved. That is human, but this fear can also imprison us and prevent us from doing wonderful things. The angel that appeared to Mary gave her startling news – she was to bear the Saviour. Any ordinary person would have demanded a lot more explanation and, even then, probably would have hesitated. Mary was extraordinary – after getting over her initial puzzlement, she needed no more explanations. It was from God: that was enough! Let it be so! This was self-giving and total trust in God. If only we could do the same, God can do great things with us, too.
Lord, help me to trust more.
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