
THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD : Friday 2nd February 2024

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Dear Lord, help me to be open to the movements of Your Spirit in my life

THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD : Friday 2nd February 2024

Mal. 3:1-4 or Hebr. 2:14-18; Ps.23:7,8,
9,10; Lk. 2:22-40 (or 22-32) (Ps. Wk. IV)

Simeon and Anna, in spite of their advanced age, waited with hope for the appearance of the Saviour. They remember the sayings of Malachi, “The Lord you are seeking will suddenly enter His Temple.” With great anticipation and awareness – they really look to the signs of the times and their day-to-day surroundings in order to detect God’s appearance, which would come at any moment. They are open to be led and to respond to the movements of the Spirit.

So, prompted by the Spirit to wait for God, they were at the Temple that day when Joseph and Mary brought baby Jesus for the purification.

Malachi goes on to say, “Who will be able to resist the day of His coming? Who will remain standing when He appears?” Simeon and Anna are able to remain standing, because they are upright and devout, and reverently visit the Temple to await a Saviour.

Today, we are challenged to be upright, devout, to be more open to and be led by the Holy Spirit, to let our Savior enter into our lives. Will we let the Spirit’s promptings go by without us knowing it?

Lord God, I want to be open to the movements of Your Spirit in my life.

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