Lord, shape our hearts to be calm and responsive as Your Heart to the harsh challenges of daily life
Seventh Week of Easter : Thursday, 16th May 2024
Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; Ps. 15:1-2, 5, 7-11;
Jn. 17:20-26 (Ps Wk III)
To witness Christ’s Resurrection in the face of unruly people is enervating. It certainly invites us to adopt a discerned approach and not admit to a foolhardy reaction. Paul’s approach in assessing the type of crowd he was addressing clearly shows the gift of a discerning aptitude in the Spirit. When his audience turned into a mob, the Tribune was quick to order the Roman army to intervene to protect Paul. Further, after the disputes and aggressions between two factions of the mob, Paul was consoled to hear the Lord’s assurance to him “Be of courage. You will do the same in Rome.” Following Paul, our experience of the Resurrection is a continuous witnessing in the face of confrontation.
What is our proper witness now? John’s Gospel offers us an insight – follow Christ according to the intention of His Heart. For the words from His mouth are the intentions of His Heart. It is a compassionate prayer that reaches all – to be one by love, share the experience of being loved and be inseparable from Him. Jesus’ raising His eyes toward heaven indicates a lasting trust to a united mission with the Father in Heaven. And Jesus’ saying “that the love with which you loved Me may be in them” reflects the intensity of our experience of being loved by God in our interaction with people in all walks of life.
Lord, shape our hearts to be calm and responsive as Your Heart to the harsh challenges of daily life.
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