Lord, grant us the spirit of true discipleship to be witnesses of Your love to all
7th Week in Ordinary Time (Year B) : Thursday 23rd May 2024
Jm. 5:1-6; Ps. 48:14-20;
Mk. 9:41-50 (Ps. Wk. III)
In Jesus’ address to His disciples, while recognition is assured because of humble service, He forewarned them of scandalous intent and conduct. They ought not to be burdensome to, and intolerant of, others.
Grave punishment is meted out to those who cause the humble little ones who believe in Him to fall away from faith. Any act of ensnaring oneself to sin is inadmissible, unless one is willing to be thrown into the torturous hell eternally. Hence, mutilating oneself because of sin is not to be taken literally. The point is that one should be prepared to resist sin and the occasions of sin. The kingdom of God is for those who totally desist being evil cohorts.
True discipleship will be tested through fire. It means followers of Christ must pass through sufferings and persecution. They have to endure the test and rise beyond rivalry and envy among them and be at peace with one another.
In James’ letter, rich oppressors are forewarned of their injustices towards the poor. Their extravagance on earth and their oppressive conduct will be judged by God. Pondering that such injustices are prevalent, we as Jesus’ followers, must respond. What should we do? One thing is clear: we cannot be cohorts to wickedness. We have to align our thoughts and actions with Christ. Our humble service to counter such evil is one witness to discipleship.
Lord, grant us the spirit of true discipleship so as to be witnesses of Your love to all.
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