St Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin & Doctor, pray for us
26th Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Tuesday 1st October 2024
Is 66:10-14; Ps 130; Mt 18:1-5 (Ps Wk II)
“Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Jesus’ response to this question would have stunned his disciples when, beckoning a child to come into their midst, affirmed the greatness of docility when shaped and reshaped by God. Jesus redressed the disciples’ superiority and complex imagination, which was devoid of a collaborative mission, by pointing out that there was a vast potential of God’s greatness within the smallness of a person. It is clear therefore that the greatest in the kingdom of heaven is not about having a hierarchical title and being devoid of love.
The point Jesus wants us to consider here is to acknowledge the fact that no one is exempted from the possibility of being great. Hence, everyone is given a fair chance, an open one, to reach the greatest possibility of blooming into the fullness of God’s glory. St Therese of the Child Jesus, despite her short earthly life, through her writings, stated that even within the confinement of a cloistered life, nothing menial done with love for God is small, just like how small and tiny flowers bring forth the beauty of nature in spring.
Dear Lord, nothing is great unless it is fulfilled according to your design. May we never waiver in accomplishing our menial roles with profound gratitude and love of you.

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