
34th Week, Ordinary Time : Monday 25th November, 2024

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  • 34th Week, Ordinary Time : Monday 25th November, 2024

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage

Dear Friend in the Lord,

Generosity-Faith”: In today’s Gospel episode, Jesus said “others had contributed ‘extra’ money that they had, but this poor widow had put in all she had to live on.”  Ponder on, “Her generosity is very rare.  Is our temptation to think of our own needs first, before other’s needs?  This poor widow reflects the infinite Truth of Jesus’ Death on the Cross, for our Salvation.”

Fr Philip Heng, S.J.

Luke 21:1-4

As Jesus looked up, he saw rich people putting their offerings into the treasury; and he happened to notice a poverty-stricken widow putting in two small coins, and he said, ‘I tell you truly, this poor widow has put in more than any of them; for these have all contributed money they had over, but she from the little she had has put in all she had to live on.’