
Ordinary Time 25th Wk : Monday 23rd September, 2019

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  • Ordinary Time 25th Wk : Monday 23rd September, 2019

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage

Dear Friend in the Lord,

Blessings: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims to His disciples that the purpose of a lamp is to shine and dispel the darkness around; not be hidden under a bed.  Likewise, the abundant blessings that God has given and continues to give us are to be used for God’s Greater Glory, and not our own glory.

Fr Philip Heng, S.J.

Luke 8:16-18

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘No one lights a lamp to cover it with a bowl or to put it under a bed. No, it is put on a lamp-stand so that people may see the light when they come in. For nothing is hidden but it will be made clear, nothing secret but it will be made known and brought to light.

So take care how you listen; anyone who has, will be given more; anyone who has not, will be deprived even of what he thinks he has.’