
31st Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 3rd November 2019

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  • 31st Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 3rd November 2019

God sees beyond what or who a person is, to what a person can become.

31st Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 3rd November 2019

Wis 11:22 - 12:2; Ps. 145(144):1-2,8-9,
10-11,13-14; 2 The. 1:11-2:2; Lk. 19:1-10 (Ps Wk III)

Today, we reflect on God’s abundant love for humanity. The idea that God never gives up loving His people weaves through the scripture passages like a golden thread. While the Jews in Jericho gave up on Zacchaeus, whom they consider a sinner and an outcast, Jesus reaches out to him with love and mercy.

To the people, Jesus’ decision to stay at Zacchaeus’ house meant, “He has gone to stay at a sinner’s house.” But to Jesus, showing compassion to, and leading Zacchaeus to repent and conversion meant, “today salvation has come to this house”. Human beings see what or who a person is. God, however, sees beyond what or who a person is to what a person can become.

It is no wonder then that the first reading from the Book of Wisdom highlights the patience of God who is, “merciful to all” and who is able to “overlook men’s sins so that they can repent”, and is willing “to correct those who offend.” The psalmist of the day echoes this sentiment as well: “the Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love” and that “the Lord supports all who fall and raises all who are bowed down.”

We too are called to be patient, especially with those who do not meet our expectations or standards. Nevertheless, it is never easy to show love and mercy, especially to those who offend us. This is why with Paul, we pray that “our God will make you [us] worthy of his call, and by his power fulfil all your [our] desires for goodness…” With God, nothing is impossible.

Lord, help me become more merciful.