
5th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 13th February 2020

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Lord, without You, I am nothing!

5th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 13th February 2020

1 Kgs. 11:4-13; Ps. 106(105):3-4,35-36,37,40;
Mk. 7:24-30 (Ps Wk I)

A Syrophoenician Woman knew in her desperation that only Jesus could deliver her daughter from the demon! She was not content to be ignored. Her faith in Jesus and his healing power was rewarded, and finally, it was she who won in the argument which she had with Jesus!

Her humility matches Jesus’ humour! Often in our prayer, we expect GOD to answer us in precisely the way we want things to happen! In our conversation with GOD, we forget our roots! Who are we before GOD? LORD help me stand before you, knowing who I am: that without You, I am nothing!

The woman’s strong faith is in sharp contrast to the unbelief of the Jews who are “children of GOD”! The woman was ready to eat the crumbs of GOD’s mercy! The universalism of salvation is expressed in her acceptance of GOD’s mercy and love that is open to all nations, races and religious beliefs!

LORD, I come before You as I am! Your love and mercy are all I have.

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