Day 7 of 9 Days Novena to the Sacred Heart, leading to Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday 19th June 2020
11th Week in Ordinary Time : Wednesday 17th June 2020
2 Kgs. 2:1,6-14; Pa. 31(30):20,21,24; Mt. 6:1-6,16-18 (Ps Wk III)
Have you ever had a mentor in life? Elisha travelled with the prophet Elijah as his attendant and disciple for approximately seven years. Elisha yearned to be like Elijah.
As Elijah comes toward the end of his life, Elisha bravely asks for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Elisha sees Elijah being taken up to heaven in a whirlwind of fire (other prophets nearby could not see this). Elisha then understands that his wish has been granted. Elisha takes up Elijah’s mission and goes on to perform twice as many miracles as Elijah.
We see one such miracle today. Elisha uses Elijah’s cloak to strike the water of the river Jordan, saying: “Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” (2 Kings 2:14). The river then divides, and Elisha walks on dry land.
This reveals that Elisha’s power comes not from Elijah, but God. Indeed all the healing and justice that Elisha will share through his ministry comes from God. Elisha is an instrument of God’s grace and blessing.
‘Elisha’ means ‘God saves’.
Similarly, in today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that we fast, pray or do good, to keep the focus on God, rather than ourselves. This leads to greater fruits.
Lord, help me to focus on You. Use me as Your instrument to bless someone today.
9 Days Novena Reflection & Prayers
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Day 7 : Wednesday 17th June 2020
Theme: You Did It to Me!
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