Day 8 of 9 Days Novena to the Sacred Heart, leading to Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday 19th June 2020
11th Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday 18th June 2020
Sir. 48:1-14; Ps. 97(96):1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7; Mt. 6:7-15 (Ps Wk III)
The Book of Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach) describes the many God-like qualities of Elijah. The prophet’s life and words are associated with fire that burns and purifies. He had powers over nature when he “brought famine”, “shut up the heavens”, and “brought down fire”. He had the power to raise the dead and to cause death, to anoint kings and to drag them down to destruction. He did not die a human death but taken up “in the whirlwind of fire”.
If Elijah has been a great wonderworker, his successor Elisha was even more so. Elisha too was a mighty prophet who did not bow down to any king or allowed any ruler to subdue him. He performed miracles both in life and death. Anyone who hears about the mighty wonders performed by both these prophets would have thought that they would have had a significant effect on the lives of the Israelites and caused them to repent and turn towards God. But this was not so. They had little effect on the righteous living of the people of Israel. As a result, the time came when the Assyrians destroyed them.
Jesus too performed many wonders and miracles. But in the end, many still did not believe him to be the Messiah. They may have been impressed for a while, but people forget as circumstances change. Therefore, what made a real difference finally is Jesus’ complete dependence on, and obedience to the Father and the willingness to do the Father’s will. The “Our Father” is a prayer that reminds us to do the same.
Lord, may I always do Your will.
9 Days Novena Reflection & Prayers
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Day 8 : Thursday 18th June 2020
Theme: The Weight of the World
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