DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “God’s Family” – Spiritual: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed that the deepest relationships we have is our union with God. This is why Jesus praised His Mother in public. She lived His Father’s Will with the most perfect fidelity. Ponder on, “Is our love for God…
Daily Word Of GodMark 3:31-35 The mother and brothers of Jesus arrived and, standing outside, sent in a message asking for him. A crowd was sitting round him at the time the message was passed to him, ‘Look, your mother and brothers and sisters are outside asking for you.’ He replied, ‘Who are my mother…
St Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor, pray for us3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 28th January 2025Heb 10:1-10; Ps 39:2, 4, 7-8, 10-11 Mk 3:31-35 (Ps Wk III) The life, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus changes how we look at everything. According to the Letter to the Hebrews, ‘His great, endless act…
St Angela Merici, Virgin, pray for us3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Monday 27th January 2025Heb 9:15, 24-28; Ps 97:1-6; Mk 3:22-30 (Ps Wk III) Surely the phrase “fight fire with fire,” is familiar to you. If your aim is to put out the fire, then this motto will be a defeating act. After…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Sin Against the Holy Spirit” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed with great clarity, “Anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, but is guilty of an Eternal Sin.” Ponder on, “If we abuse God’s Gift of freedom, and choose to blaspheme…
Daily Word Of GodMark 3:22-30 The scribes who had come down from Jerusalem were saying, ‘Beelzebul is in him,’ and, ‘It is through the prince of devils that he drives devils out.’ So Jesus called them to him and spoke to them in parables, ‘How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 4:14-21 Jesus, with the power of the Spirit in him, returned to Galilee; and his reputation spread throughout the countryside. He taught in their synagogues and everyone praised him. He came to Nazara, where he had been brought up, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath day as he usually…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Jesus’ Mission of Salvation”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus’ Good Reputation, as the Messiah is spreading widely in His Mission. Nevertheless, He will eventually Suffer great persecutions and Crucifixion. Ponder on, “God will always enlighten and empower us to live our faith with fidelity. Never doubt; always…
Your words are spirit, O Lord, and they are life!3rd Week in Ordinary Time (C) – Sunday of the Word of God : 26th January 2025Neh 8:2-6, 8-10; Ps 18:8-10, 15; 1 Cor 12:12-30 (or 12:14, 27) Lk 1:1-4, 4:14-21 (Ps Wk III) A company’s mission statement explains the purpose for its existence, values, and…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Jesus’ Mission” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus Commissioned His Apostles to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to all peoples. He proclaimed, “Whoever believes and is Baptised will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Ponder on, “Jesus is also inviting us to accept…