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5th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 12th May 2023

Ss. Nereus & Achilleus, martyrs St Pancras, martyr 5th Week of Easter (A) : Friday 12th May 2023Acts 15:22-31; Ps. 56:8-9,10-12; Jn. 15:12-17 (Ps. Wk. I) The hard-liners had insisted that Gentile converts had to undergo circumcision and obey dietary laws. They had to become Jews before becoming Christians. But the Council of Jerusalem decreed…

Easter 5th Week : Friday 12th May, 2023

Daily Word Of GodJohn 15:12-17 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘This is my commandment: love one another, as I have loved you. No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do what I command you. I shall no longer call you servants,…

Easter 5th Week : Thursday 11th May, 2023

Daily Word Of GodJohn 15:9-11 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I have loved you just as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so…

Easter 5th Week : Thursday 11th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Remain in My Love” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims to His disciples, “If you keep My Commandments, you will remain in My Love, and your Joy will be complete.”  Ponder on, “Do we  experience deepest ‘Joys’ when we are: reconciled with God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation; and…

5th Week of Easter (A) : Thursday 11th May 2023

Lord, help me remained connected and faithful to You especially when I encounter temptations and obstacles in life5th Week of Easter (A) : Thursday 11th May 2023Acts 15:7-21; Ps. 95:1-3,10; Jn. 15:9-11 (Ps. Wk. I) St. James’ address to the Apostles and elders: “I rule that we do not make things difficult for pagans who…

Easter 5th Week : Wednesday 10th May, 2023

Daily Word Of GodJohn 15:1-8 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more. You are clean already, by means of the…

Easter 5th Week : Wednesday 10th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Vine and Branches” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims to His disciples, “I am the Vine; you are the branches.  Whoever remains in Me, bears fruit in plenty; for cut off from Me, you can do nothing.”  Ponder on, “Our secular successes in themselves, cannot lead us to heaven;…

5th Week of Easter (A) : Wednesday 10th May 2023

St John De Avila, priest and doctor5th Week of Easter (A) : Wednesday 10th May 2023Acts 15:1-6; Ps. 121:1-2,3-5; Jn. 15:1-8 (Ps. Wk. I) Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. We can stay united in solidarity if we are constantly reminded of this and practise our unity among ourselves and with Jesus…

Easter 5th Week : Tuesday 9th May, 2023

Dear Friend in the Lord, “Jesus’ Peace” – Faith:  In today’s Gospel, Jesus assures His disciples, “I give you a Peace which the world cannot give. . .”  Ponder on, “We experience emotional peace when things go well in our lives.  However, the ‘Peace’ that Jesus gives, is a divine gift; the deepest longings of…

Easter 5th Week : Tuesday 9th May, 2023

Daily Word Of GodJohn 14:27-31a Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. You heard me say: I am going away and shall return. If…