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Easter Week 2nd : Thursday 20th April, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Eternal and Earthly” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist proclaims, “He who comes from above is above all others; he who is of the earth is earthly, and speaks in an earthly way.”  Ponder on, “The excellence of human knowledge, remains infinitely insignificant to God’s Divine Revelation of Salvation.  Pray for the gift of humility to live…

2nd Week of Easter : Wednesday 19th April 2023

Lord, help me to live in Your Light2nd Week of Easter : Wednesday 19th April 2023Acts. 5:17-26; Ps. 33:2-9,17-20; Jn. 3:16-21 (Ps. Wk. II) As Jesus continues His dialogue with Nicodemus, He makes some important statements. God loves the world – the whole world and not just parts of it. He loves it so much…

Easter Week 2nd : Wednesday 19th April, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Gift of Faith in Jesus”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims, “Everyone who believes in Me may not perish, but have Eternal Life. . . everybody who does wrong, hates the Light; whoever lives the truth, comes out into the Light.”  Ponder on, “As believers, we are called to live in God’s Light and Love and lead others into…

Easter Week 2nd : Wednesday 19th April, 2023

Daily Word Of GodJohn 3:16-21 Jesus said to Nicodemus: ‘God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the…

Easter Week 2nd : Tuesday 18th April, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Divine Revelation” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims, “No one has gone up to heaven except the One who came from heaven; the Son of Man.”  Ponder on, “Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah who proclaims the Truth of Salvation.  We are deeply blessed to have faith in Jesus; pray for the grace to witness the faith with greater fidelity and zeal.” Fr…

2nd Week of Easter : Tuesday 18th April 2023

Lord, help me listen to You daily2nd Week of Easter : Tuesday 18th April 2023Acts 4:32-37; Ps. 92:1-2,5; Jn. 3:7-15 (Ps. Wk. II) Nicodemus, a well-known Jewish leader and a teacher of Israel, is portrayed as one who, although attracted to Jesus and the signs performed by Jesus, had not yet found the true faith.…

Easter Week 2nd : Tuesday 18th April, 2023

Daily Word Of GodJohn 3:1-8 Jesus said to Nicodemus: ‘Do not be surprised when I say: You must be born from above. The wind blows where it pleases; you can hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of…

2nd Week of Easter : Monday 17th April 2023

Lord, help me to believe totally in You2nd Week of Easter : Monday 17th April 2023Acts 4:23-31; Ps. 2:1-3,4-6,7-9; Jn. 3:1-8 (Ps. Wk. II) Peter and John were arrested but released after being ordered not to teach about Jesus. When they shared this experience with their community, all the people prayed together for power and…

Easter Week 2nd : Monday 17th April, 2023

Daily Word Of GodJohn 3:1-8 There was one of the Pharisees called Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews, who came to Jesus by night and said, ‘Rabbi, we know that you have come from God as a teacher; for no one could perform the signs that you do unless God were with him.’ Jesus answered:…

Easter Week 2nd : Monday 17th April, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Born of the Spirit” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Nicodemus, was authentically searching for God’s Truth of Salvation.  Jesus revealed to him that a person needs to be born of the Holy Spirit; in the Kingdom of God.  Ponder on, “We cannot discover God’s Truth of Salvation, through human thinking; but, only through the divine gift of faith in the…