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1st Week of Lent (A) : Thursday 2nd March 2023

This Lent - fast from angry hurtful words, say kind words, be patient...1st Week of Lent (A) : Thursday 2nd March 2023Est. 4:17; Ps. 137:1-3,7-8; Mt. 7:7-12 (Ps. Wk. I) In his Christmas (2022) message, Pope Francis urges us to PERSEVERE in “PRAYER for those brothers and sisters who are suffering so much, especially those…

1st Week of Lent (A) : Wednesday 1st March 2023

Lord, help me to forgive and pray for those who have wronged me1st Week of Lent (A) : Wednesday 1st March 2023Jona 3:1-10; Ps. 50:3-4,12-13,18-19; Lk. 11:29-32 (Ps. Wk. I) People and nations invest a lot of energy in hating their enemies – especially those who have done them great harm. The Israelites hated the…

First week in Lent: Wednesday 1st March, 2023

Daily Word Of GodLuke 11:29-32 The crowds got even bigger and Jesus addressed them, ‘This is an evil generation; it is asking for a sign. The only sign it will be given is the sign of Jonah. For just as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so will the Son of man…

First Week of Lent: Wednesday 1st March, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Signs” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reprimanded the great crowds for asking for “signs” that He is the “Messiah” when they refused to believe the Good News that He was proclaiming.  Ponder on, “When we have deep faith, hope and love for Jesus and are…

First Week of Lent: Tuesday 28th February, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Our Father Prayer” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds His disciples not to “babble meaninglessly” when we pray.  We must always pray for God our Father’s Will to be done in everything.  Ponder on, “We have divine wisdom when we seek God in all our…

1st Week of Lent (A) : Tuesday 28th February 2023

God is faithful - sit and pray quietly alone with Him1st Week of Lent (A) : Tuesday 28th February 2023Is. 55:10-11; Ps. 33:4-7,16-19; Mt. 6:7-15 (Ps. Wk. I) The prophet encouraged the people to follow the Lord God. He contrasted the faithfulness of the Lord with the ways of the Israelites. This passage emphasises the…

First week in Lent: Tuesday 28th February, 2023

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 6:7-15 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘In your prayers do not babble as the gentiles do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard. Do not be like them; your Father knows what you need before you ask him. So you should pray like this: Our…

1st Week of Lent (A) : Monday 27th February 2023

God is the Holy One and commands us to be holy like Him1st Week of Lent (A) : Monday 27th February 2023Lev. 19:1-2,11-18; Ps. 18:8-10,15; Mt. 25:31-46 (Ps. Wk. I) Our God is a self-revealing God anxious to communicate with us to reveal what He is like. What is God like, then? From Yahweh’s conversation…

First week in Lent: Monday 27th February, 2023

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 25:31, 32b, 34-40 Jesus said to his disciples: ‘When the Son of man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory. He will separate people one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats. Then the King will…

First Week of Lent: Monday 27th February, 2023

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Last Judgment” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed about the “Last Judgment” where God will Judge between those who are “worthy” to receive the gift of Eternal Life and those who will suffer Eternally, in hell.  Ponder on, “God’s Judgment would be on, how much…