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31st Week in Ordinary Time : Thursday, 3rd November 2022

Daily Word Of GodLuke 15:1-7 The tax collectors and sinners were all seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say, and the Pharisees and scribes complained. ‘This man’ they said ‘welcomes sinners and eats with them.’ So he spoke this parable to them: ‘What man among you with a hundred sheep,…

32nd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Thursday 3rd November 2022

St Martin de Porres, religious32nd Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Thursday 3rd November 2022Phil. 3:3-8a; Ps. 104:2-3,4-5,6-7; Lk. 15:1-10 (Ps. Wk. III) The two parables in the Gospel of today: the lost coin and the lost sheep, help us explore the dynamic at the heart of our spiritual life. In our quest for meaning…

ALL SOULS (C) : Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Lord, help me to brighten the lives of othersALL SOULS (C) : Wednesday 2nd November 2022Is. 25:6-9; Ps. 26:1, 4, 7, 8-9, 13-14; Rom. 5:5-11; Lk. 7:11-17 St. Paul convinced us when he expounded these joyful words: “Not merely because we have been reconciled but because we are filled with joyful trust in God, through…

All Saints Day: Tuesday 1st November, 2022

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Beatitudes” – Faith: In today’s celebration of “All Saints Day”, let us pray for the grace of a greater openness to the “Truth” of the “Beatitudes” of Jesus, and beg God for the graces to live our faith in the “wisdom” of the saints.  The saints…

Solemnity of All Saints : Tuesday, 1st November 2022

Daily Word Of GodMatthew 5:2b-12a This is what Jesus taught his disciples: ‘How happy are the poor in spirit: theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Happy the gentle: they shall have the earth for their heritage. Happy those who mourn: they shall be comforted. Happy those who hunger and thirst for what is right: they…

ALL SAINTS (C) : Tuesday 1st November 2022

Lord, help me to brighten the lives of othersALL SAINTS (C) : Tuesday 1st November 2022Rev. 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps.24(23): 1-2, 3-4ab,5-6; 1 Jn.3:1-3; Mt.5:1-12a (Psalter proper) John’s vision is beautiful and should form our thinking. He envisioned a great multitude before God’s throne, people of every tribe, nation, and tongue. There were no divisions or…

31st Week in Ordinary Time : Monday 31st October, 2022

DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “True Generosity”: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed to the Pharisees that true “generosity” is when they invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind, as they cannot repay them for their good deeds.  Ponder on, “Are our good deeds generous and genuine and out…

30th Week in Ordinary Time : Monday, 31st October 2022

Daily Word Of GodLuke 14:12-14 Jesus said to his host, one of the leading Pharisees, ‘When you give a lunch or a dinner, do not ask your friends, brothers, relations or rich neighbours, for fear they repay your courtesy by inviting you in return.  No; when you have a party, invite the poor, the crippled,…