DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Genuine Riches” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminded His apostles, that if the temptations of the “material riches of money” are very great, then how can God trust us with more ‘genuine spiritual riches?” Ponder on, “Are our lives dominated more by ‘material riches or…
Lord, teach us through Your Holy Spirit what is truth, justice and love25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Sunday 18th September 2022Am. 8:4-7; Ps. 112:1-2,4-6,7-8; 1 Tim. 2:1-8; Lk. 16:1-13 (or 10-13) (Ps Wk I) Today’s Gospel reading challenges us, as disciples of Jesus, to be: prudent and decisive. In the parable, Jesus praised…
St Robert Bellarmine, Bishop & doctor,24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Saturday 17th September 20221 Cor. 15:35-37,42-49; Ps. 55:10,11-12, 13-14; LK. 8:4-15 (Ps Wk IV) Jesus often uses ordinary examples from daily life to teach the crowds. In the Parable of the Sower, Jesus speaks about the seed being sowed and what happens to…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, “Parable of the Sower” – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed the “Parable of the Sower” to draw the large crowds to reflect on their response to God’s offer of Eternal Salvation. Ponder on, “Is my faith more like the seeds that fell on the edge, on…
SS Cornelius, Pope & Cyprian, Bishop, martyrs24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Friday 16th September 20221 Cor. 15:12-20; Ps. 16:1,6-7,8b and 15; Lk. 8:1-3 (Ps Wk IV) In today’s reading, Luke gives testimony to the freedom of the Gospel. The scene gives an image of the infant Church. It is on the move and…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, Jesus’ Ministry: In today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaimed the Good News of Salvation to all towns and villages, with the Twelve and many others who provided different forms of support. Ponder on, “We are each ‘called’ by God to support and serve His church in today’s world. How…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 8:1-3 Jesus made his way through towns and villages preaching and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom of God. With him went the Twelve, as well as certain women who had been cured of evil spirits and ailments: Mary surnamed the Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, Joanna…
Daily Word Of GodLuke 2:33-35 As the father and mother of Jesus stood wondering at the things that were being said about him, Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, ‘You see this child, he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign…
DGeMs- Daily Gospel eMessage Dear Friend in the Lord, God’s Plan of Salvation – Faith: In today’s Gospel, Prophet Simeon prophesized to Mary that her “Son” will bring the fall and rise of many in Israel”. Mary pondered and surrendered her will to God’s Will. Ponder on, “Pray for the grace to obey God’s Will even…
Mother Mary, pray for usOur Lady of Sorrows : Thursday 15th September 2022Heb. 5:7-9; Ps. 30:2-3ab,3cd-4,5-6,15-16,20; Jn. 19:25-27 or Lk. 2:33-35 Some people in the Corinthian church had been saying there was no resurrection of the dead. Paul was reminding the Corinthians that belief in the resurrection of Christ was the foundation of the faith…